
Why Reiki

Reiki is like a massage for your energy or spirit. Relaxing fully clothed on a soft massage table, there will be candles, aromatherapy, and soft relaxing music. Erin may or may not put her hands directly on you. If she does, it will be a gentle soft touch.

You may experience tingling or a light sensation from her hands. She will work her way through your energy centers to clear any blockages with the Reiki. If she feels that there is an area that needs a little extra Reiki, she will focus on that before moving on.

Most of the session, you will be on your back. Perhaps for the entire session. Every once in a while, Erin will treat the back side of the body and turn you face down on the table.

But not always.

The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”


Erin Hancock

Erin is a certified Usui Reiki Master and Karuna I practitioner. What To Expect During Your Session with Erin
It is pertinent at this time to compassionately care for oneself, to take the time to heal and nurture. And Reiki does just that! Guided by the Life Energy, Erin’s Reiki sessions may combine guided meditations, sound therapy, radionics energy work, tarot, and intuitive messages.